

In the New Testament, men known as elders oversaw congregations of God’s people. According to the Bible (Acts 14:23, Phil 1:1; Titus 1:5), the orderly arrangement and superintendence of the church entailed the ordaining of qualified men to a duly appointed eldership. The elders were known as bishops, pastors, presbyters, overseers, and shepherds. These six English terms are used interchangeably and all of their corresponding Greek terms are found in Acts 20:17,28 and 1 Peter 5:1-2. Each individual member of this office is to be qualified for this work by the criteria identified in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9. We commend the following qualified men to you as pastors, bishops, elders/overseers, presbyters, and shepherds of the flock at the Andrews church of Christ.


Terry Duzan

Terry Duzan was appointed to the work of an Elder in 2019. He is retired from Andrews ISD.

Henry Norton

Henry Norton was appointed to the work of an Elder in 2005. He is retired from Shell and Hess Oil Companies.

Mike Pearson

Mike Pearson was appointed to the work of an Elder in 2019. He is retired from USPS Postmaster.

Mike Brock

Mike Brock was appointed to the work of an Elder in 2022. He is retired from ARCO/BP and currently an oilfield consultant.

John Johnson

John Johnson was appointed to the work of an Elder in 2022. He retired from the City of Andrews in 2022.