

Our Ministries

No matter what stage of life you are in, we have a place for you at the Andrews Church of Christ!

Youth Ministry

Andrews Church of Christ is blessed with many young people, and each one is precious! There’s something going on for youth of all ages. There are Bible classes for all ages. There’s regular participation in Bible Bowls. The majority of our young people attend Christian Camps each year. There are trips for spiritual enrichment, like Discipleship U. There are monthly devotionals and the youth are encouraged to serve others at yearly events where the youth serve the congregation a meal.…
Rope on the old map


We believe that we have a responsibility to share the Gospel with the whole world. To that end, here are some of the works we support: Arturo Martinez – Victoria, Mexico March-April 2023 Mission Report January-February 2023 Mission Report November-December 2022 Mission Report September-October 2022 Mission Report July-August 2022 Mission Report May-June 2022 Mission Report March-April 2022 Mission Report January-December 2022 Mission Report Julian Tovar – Acuna, Mexico April 2023 Mission Report March 2023 Mission Report February 2023 Mission Report…

Children’s Homes

We support the good work being done at many children’s homes, including . . . Arms of Hope – Medina, TX Cherokee Home for Children – Cherokee, TX Children’s Home of Lubbock- Lubbock, TX Manuelito Navajo Children’s Home – Gallup, NM New Mexico Christian Children’s Home – Portales, NM

Clothing Closet

We have a group that collects donated clothes and organizes them in a clothing room. Then on the 3rd Saturday of every month, this room is opened to the public so those in need can have access to free clothing.
frozen vegetable

Frozen Blessings

We have a group of members that get together and prepare meals that can be frozen and kept on hand for families that need them due to sickness, surgeries, deaths or emergencies    
woman with lily flowers and coffin at funeral

Funeral Meals

We have a group of members that gather when there is a funeral at our building and they help set up the fellowship hall, prepare a meal and then serve the families attending the funeral.

Ladies’ Ministry

In addition to multiple opportunities each year for ladies’ events, we have a class every Tuesday to offer an opportunity for our women, young and old, to meet together and enjoy a time of fellowship, while studying a portion of God’s Word.